Currently, there are only 2 settings that are available for Chrome Extension:

  • Language of the Summary
  • Whether extension is active on a certain website.

Choosing Language of the Summary

In order to choose language of the summary, you need to go to the settings page and select language from the dropdown.

Same language applies to both digests and summaries via extension.

For support of other languages, please submit them here.

Choose Extension Language

Choose language of the summary on the Settings page

Choose Where Summate Extension is Active

We know that on some websites it might be inconvenient to see a Summarize button, and therefore added an option to disable extension on a certain website.

Please click on the extension icon and select “Disable on this website” option.

Disable Extension on a website

Disable Extension on a certain website

It will be disabled for that website only. If you want to re-enable it, you can do so by clicking on the extension icon and selecting “Enable on this website” option.

Enable Extension on a website

Enable Extension on a certain website