
Instead of subscribing to all newsletters manually again, you can set up auto-forwarding and send a copy of selected newsletters from your main inbox to your summate inbox, automatically.

The overall process typically takes about 5 minutes of time, and generally requires two things:

  • add your @inbox.summate.io email to your approved forwarding addresses
  • setup filters to forward newsletters to your @inbox.summate.io email

Step-by-step guide for Gmail

1. Go to Gmail Settings

2. Navigate to ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’

3. Add a new Forwarding Address

Do NOT select the “Forward a copy of incoming mail to …” option!

Instead, setup filtering with forwarding(step 8 of the guide)

Otherwise, all of your emails will be forwarded to the summate inbox, and that can be annoying or compromising data to the LLMs which you do not want to compromise.

4. Enter your summate email inbox

You should have created it during the onboarding. If you haven’t please go to the inbox page and do that.

5. Authorize your request via Gmail

You might need to verify that it’s you(go through 2FA process with Gmail).

After that, Gmail will send a verification link to your summate inbox.

6. Find an email for gmail verification

You will receive an email to your summate address. Navigate to your inbox and you will see a new sender in pending section. After you click on it, you will see something similar to the image below:

Once you open the email, you will see something similar to the screenshot below. You need to copy and paste the link provided there into your browser. It should be along the lines: https://mail-settings.google.com/mail/...

8. Setting up filtering

Once your summate email address was approved for gmail forwarding, you can setup as much filters as you want and choose to auto-forward emails to your summate inbox as a setting on those filters.

First, go to the “filters and blocked addresses” page.

Then, create a new filter:

For example a simple one to catch all emails from one address.

Click continue, and choose exactly what you want to do with these emails(I prefer to mark them read and also keep them in main inbox). Make sure to choose “forward it to” option, and specify your summate inbox as a forwarding option.

Once you click create filter, your new emails that match criteria specified by this filter will be automatically forwarded to your summate inbox.

To make your life easier, here are some easy ideas for filters, that will save you a ton of time:

  • If you read many substack newsletters, setup sender to be substack.com
  • If you read many beehiiv newsletters, setup sender to be beehiiv.com
  • Typically all newsletters contain Unsubscribe link in the footer, so you can put has the word "unsubscribe" in the words condition to catch all newsletters across your inbox.

Guide for Outlook users

When setting up forwarding from Microsoft 365 based email to Summate, you may need take an additional step to complete the process. Microsoft 365 accounts default to block automatic email forwarding as part of their outbound spam protection.

You will see a specific bounce message in your inbox at Microsoft 365 after attempting to set up forwarding to Summate if you need to adjust this setting. The text of the bounce will include this line:

550 5.7.520 Access denied, Your organization does not allow external forwarding.
Please contact your administrator for further assistance. AS(7550)

This bounce does not mean that Summate rejected the message though we know it sounds like that is what it says — in fact Microsoft 365 did not attempt to deliver it to Summate because your Microsoft 365 account is set to not allow automatic external forwarding.

Your Microsoft 365 administrator will need to allow automatic external forwarding for any 365 based email addresses you want to forward to Summate.

We’ve created this guide to help your administrators find and change the outbound spam protection policy that is blocking your forward.

Configuring external email forwarding in Microsoft 365 is Microsoft’s documentation of the security features they’ve put in place. Below you will find a step-by-step guide for changing the specific portion of the automatic forwarding settings needed to work with Summate.

You may choose to enable automatic forwarding for all mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 account, or enable it only for the mailboxes you’re forwarding to Summate. Choose the option that is best according to your organization’s security policies.

Enable Automatic External Forwarding for All Mailboxes

  1. Log in to Microsoft 365 Defender as a Microsoft 365 administrator and choose Email & collaboration > Policies & rules > Threat policies > Anti-spam policies or head directly to the Anti-spam settings page here: https://security.microsoft.com/antispam

If you do not see those options or no policies display on that page, the Microsoft 365 user you have used to log in does not have sufficient permissions to make these changes. Make sure you are logging in as an administrator for your account.

Note that the policies you see in your own admin may differ from those shown here, as these are only the default policies.

  1. Click on Anti-spam outbound policy (Default) and scroll down to click the Edit protection settings link at the bottom of the sidebar.
  1. Find the section called Forwarding Rules, and the dropdown list called Automatic Forwarding Rules. Pull that list down and choose On - Forwarding is enabled. Click Save at the bottom.

Other email providers

  • iCloud: please check this guide, but in essence it should be similar to Gmail.


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